Thursday 21 November 2013

Sleep, your hormones & Fat Loss

Perfect Sleep

A major factor that is often over looked in the quest for a lean, sexy waistline is…Lifestyle. A great workout program with the best ab exercises and ab workouts is vital to success but there are other factors that can really impact your health and waistline. One major lifestyle factor is recovery, in the form of sleep. If your body is not getting enough rest then it can often offset the natural ebb and flow of the body hormonally and emotionally. When this happens, your body’s physical response is generally never a positive one.

Loss of sleep can occur for many reasons. It could be the result of habitual behavior, stress, or due to the presence of a sleeping disorder. Could lack of sleep be causing you to gain weight? Most people don't factor this in when considering all of the reasons they can’t manage to get those six pack abs.  I want you to really think about it for just a minute. If you are depriving yourself of sleep and you’re at the office, you grab a coffee to wake you up. There might also be donuts around so you grab one of those as well for a sugar emergency wake up. You barely make it through the day because of how exhausted you are, then on the way home you skip the gym and pick up take out because you are too tired to cook. There you end up in bed later that evening, and just your luck….you cant sleep. You are wide-awake and the cycle begins again. I can guarantee you that this sleep deprivation will take over your waistline and even more importantly, your health.

sexy waistline
It always starts out so innocently and flashes past you in a heartbeat to a point where you don’t even think about it and you are in an endless cycle of hormonal disruption and fat storage. All you wanted was to feel more energetic and awake during the day. So, you end reaching for that comfort food and drinks that contain more sugar than you would normally think. Think of sleep debt the way you think of Credit Card debt - If you keep accumulating credit card debt, you will pay high interest rates or your account will be shut down until you pay it all off. If you accumulate too much sleep debt, your body will crash.

Not even the best workout plan or best ab exercises will save you here…

On average, we need about 8 hours of quality sleep per night. This doesn't mean that if you sleep 7.5 hours per night and bump it up to 8 hours, that you will immediately start dropping weight. This means that if you regularly get 4-6 hours of shut-eye per night and you increase it to 7-8, your body will start recovering and there is a better chance of the body balancing out hormonally and in turn leading to increased fat loss. The fact that lack of sleep has a great impact on your weight gain is mostly to do with the hormones that our body’s produce during the night.Recent studies in humans have shown that the levels of hormones that regulate appetite are profoundly influenced by sleep duration. Sleep loss is associated with an increase in appetite that is excessive in relation to the caloric demands of extended wakefulness.

The more rested you are, the more capable you are of waking up happy and alert, eating breakfast, prepping meals for the day, working a full day, and exercising after a long day at work or during. Then, finally coming home and cooking yourself a healthy dinner and getting to sleep at an acceptable time again!

Overall, sleep is not only for the brain but also for the rest of the body. Recent evidence suggests that sleep loss, a highly common and often strongly encouraged — condition in modern society could be a risk factor for major chronic diseases, including obesity and diabetes.

For more information on healthy lifestyle and the best ab exercises and workout download this FREE REPORT. "5 BIG mistakes that are keeping you from that lean, sexy waistline you have always wanted!"

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Fat loss and food is timing everything?

I would like to touch on an area in Health and Nutrition that I have had many inquires about. That is meal timing… important is meal timing when we are looking to maximize fat loss or muscle gain?While we are at it I will also include some specific meal options and other tips along the way.

Now with regards to the separate goals of fat loss and muscle gain, quantity of food intake would differ greatly, and the types of food would differ somewhat, but the meal timing would be very similar.

For the purpose of this article we will look specifically at fat loss through meal timing and proper food selection.

So let’s take a look at a few things


Skip meal this and you are inviting fat storage on your body! You need to eat breakfast within 1 hour of waking. Your body is most metabolically active in the morning. Consider that your body has went all night without nourishment and it should be screaming for food when you wake.  If you consistently skip this meal your body will slow down your metabolism drastically and go into what is called “starvation mode”. In starvation mode your body is not sure if you are in the middle of the desert with no source of nourishment in sight for days, or just being too lazy to organize a good breakfast. Either way, your body doesn’t just slows your metabolism down to a snail’s crawl as a survival instinct just to be safe.

On the other hand if you do eat a healthy balanced breakfast within an hour of waking up…and believe me this does not include bread, milk and “healthy cereal” or coffee and a bagel. A great breakfast would be rich in protein and some unsaturated fats with some vitamin packed fruit.

An example of a great breakfast would be:
2-4 eggs
half an avocado
raw fruit on the side

Not complicated, but protein and vitamin packed with the right amount of healthy fats to JACK up your metabolism for the day.


You need to eat this meal as early as possible after breakfast preferably within 3-4 hours. This can be the either easiest or most difficult meal of the day to manage. A little bit of preparation at home and you are set for the week. If you eat out one meal then you should bring enough food for at least one other meal or snack every day. If you don’t eat out then you need enough for two meals. This does not have to be complicated.

On a Sunday afternoon you can throw a few chicken breast/fish steaks/ground beef or turkey patties (seasoned to your liking) in the oven to cook. You will have lunch for the next 3-4 days (5 if you stretch it out like I do).

Example of healthy lunch would be:
6-10oz  ofChicken breast
6-12 (non-salted or roasted) nuts or seeds of choice
Raw vegetables of choice or salad with an oil based dressing (low in sugar)

The more calories you consume earlier in the day the more chance your body has of keeping your metabolism working and incinerating calories. A 2pm lunch won’t cut it.

If you go out for lunch, remember you don’t need to order off the menu. Most restaurants can make you a salad with grilled boneless, skinless chicken, maybe with a little Cajun spic or something. If there are no healthy salad dressing options then ask for some oil/vinegar and lemon on the side.


Of the three main meals for the day, dinner is generally the one that is seldom missed. Now dinner time is where you can likely tell if you have correctly timed your meals and eaten and made the right food choices during the day.You need only pay attention to how your body feels..are you famished?....cravingvariety or sweet and/or salty foods?...carbs? Or are you feeling a little hungry but not like you could devastate a buffet?

You may not be hungry at all, this can be ambiguous because it either means you have eaten a little too much during the day (even of healthy food) OR you have not eaten properly during the day and your metabolism has slowed do to a snail’s crawl in turn repressing your appetite.

Dinner should be the smallest meal of the day of the three main meals (snacks not included) so your level of hunger should be manageable but quenchable with another balanced meal.

So what should you eat.?
A lean protein source, such as chicken, fish, beef, lamb, or pork.
A large amount of a variety of vegetable, raw or lightly steamed
Olive oil dressing.

Keep in mind that some of the “lighter” protein sources such as fish can be eaten in larger quantities.

Remember, you need to eat the majority of your food by mid afternoon and dinner should be a smaller “top up” for the evening. 


It is a good idea to have a snack or two during the day to re-ignite your metabolism between meals. Mid-morning and/or early afternoon. Snacks do not need to be big but they do need to contain Protein, Fats and Fruit or Vegetables.

2-3 oz of protein
2-8 unsalted/unroasted nuts
Piece of raw fruit


What do you do if despite making all your meal preparations on a regular basis you find yourself in a pinch and you cannot have a meal?

The protein shake - this is one of the situations where supplements come into play for the average person, but not just any supplement. Find a good quality clean protein powder with a serving of 20+ gram of protein with some vitamins and minimal preservatives and other fillers. There is a lot of crap out there but therear some great ones, my favorite at the moment is “Vega sport”, it’s pricey but you don’t need to have it every day.

I like to keep a scoop or two of protein powder in a shaker cup and a bottle of water nearby. If there is not time to eat, you take 30 seconds and pour the water in the shaker cup, shake it up and drink it! Viola, a meal in a pinch!

Calorie intake

You don’t really need to count calories (fats are the only exception), your body will tell you if you are eating too much. I find 90% of the time it is the opposite and people do not eat enough food. Healthy, natural foods are so low in calories that you can eat like a king all day and eat the equivalent of a McDonald’s happy meals. Not to mention that the quality of calories in whole, natural foods are infinitely better for your body. Fast food and other processed crap with cause excess fat storage and slow your metabolism down by taxing the liver in order to get rid of all the toxins in the food. Not to mention all the negative affects that we don’t even know yet.


When you make proper balanced food choices and space your meals out evenly throughout the day you will keep your metabolism revved up and burning FAT.
Not only will this help deplete FAT storage it will cut your food craving in half and some! How does that happen you ask? When your body receives an adequate amount of whole, natural foods it will receive all the nutrients it needs ad in turn, feel satisfied. When your body does not receive what it needs, the result is cravings. Salt, sugar, carbs or whatever else…..and this is all bad for your waistline!
For more information on health, Lifestyle and nutrition and the best ab exercises and ab work-outs……check out our website

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Design a Proper Exercise and Diet Plan to Get a Six Pack

Are you tired of frequent exercises and strict diet plans for getting a six pack body?  There are many who pretend themselves as expert body building guides and start giving advices on how to melt away excess fat and how to get strong abs. People who listen to them finally reach nowhere. Many body muscle training institutions offer you a well-built and a six pack body in a week or two. Don’t fall prey of such luscious offers. Such offers will harm your body and deteriorate your health.

To build a healthy and stout body you need time, patience and dedication. Lack of any of these three factors can push you backward from achieving your goal. First thing you should do before starting body building procedures is body analysis. You should be aware of your body condition. If you know the nature of your body and the factors that will affect it in a positive and negative way, then you can plan body building processes in a better way.

It is not easy to have a six pack muscle body. Lot of perspiration and dedication is required to accomplish the goal. Instead of trying for a six pack muscle body, first you should try to maintain a strong and sturdy one. If the base is strong then can build muscles on it. So it is important to maintain a healthy body. Then should approach a professional trainer to workout plans to get abs. Trainers who are in the industry for a long time can only give standard training. By approaching non-certified trainers, they will put you on rigorous training sessions and extended weight loosing plans, and this ultimately results in the release of high amount of essential fats. So proper workout plan for abs is essential so as to reduce fat and build muscle.

A good trainer will give workout plans to get a six pack as well as workout meal plan side by side. This helps the person to follow the guidance on a step by step and effective manner. Like the saying “slow and steady wins the race”, one should follow the muscle building activities in a slow and steady manner. Rigorous exercises will make your body weak. If you are a beginner then start with simple ab building exercises like sit ups, crunches, leg lifts, jack knife sit ups, butt ups and static holds. 

Some other exercises that should be practiced are oblique muscles exercise, ab roller exercises, pull-ups by hanging on horizontal bars and use of stability ball.

Side by side you can work out meal plan in order to get best result. Many kinds of nutritional supplements of capsule type are available in the market. Instead of going behind such dietary pills control your food and include more protein containing food items with every meal. There should be food chart for a week. Following the diet based on it will definitely help in stabilizing the hormonal system and maintaining a strong body. Proper exercise and a good dietary plan can help in gaining a six pack body.