Tuesday 23 July 2013

Some Significant Yet Ignored Facts About Exercising

Most of us are well aware of the fact that exercising can help us boost our immune system and overall health. However, almost all of us are unaware of some significant facts related to the right way of exercising and the eating routine to be followed during a weight loss or fitness program for achieving the best results.
 When you eat is important 

 Have you ever thought that why a morning exercising routine is stressed upon by the health experts? It is because a number of experiments have shown that the fat burning capability of the body is much greater while you exercise after an overnight fast. This indicates that the timing of your meal is significantly related to your weight loss regime results. If you have time restraints or any other issues restricting you from morning exercise, try to have at least 3 hours of gap between exercising and having your meal. This is because our body is already in a fat burning mode during this gap and exercising will support the action.

What you eat is also important

If you are consuming a diet which is high in carbohydrates before exercising, you are holding back your body’s ability to burn fat faster. The amount of fat burned in the resting period or during exercising after consuming a low carbohydrate diet is almost double as compared to the amount burned after consuming a diet high in carb content. Some diets that you should avoid before exercising include cereals like rice and wheat, white flour baked food products such as toasts and doughnuts and artificially sweetened products like jam and sugary fruit juices.

You might have selected the best set of abs exercises for you but if your choice of food and eating routine is wrong, you may not get the desired results in the estimated time or ever!

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